Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Plankton Wars & Algae in the Cuboard!


Pictured above: Katelynn Watson (Left), Ika Wika (Middle), Autumn Wood (Right), Lydia Haren (Back, not sure why she is in this picture??)

Yes, Ika Wika looks like a winner, but she was not! :( Disappointing, I know, since she is the MOST creative! :) She was made out of clay, toothpicks, paperclips, brads, a sponge, and ribbon. We started by making her tail and putting two toothpicks in her tail to make her body. Next, put a piece of sponge as her body, then attached her head. We then added the very tip of her tail. That part consisted of a paperclip and a brad. At the top of the head we attached a ribbon by sticking two toothpicks in the top of her head. At the end of the ribbon we attached two extra paperclips; those might have been what dragged her down too much!  :(


Our assignment was to go home and take a picture of three things that have alginates, carrageenan, and beta carotene (three types of algae) in them. I was successful in finding three items, but they all had the same type of algae in them. In the picture above are the items I found. The only algae I was able to find carrageenan.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like the only algae you could find was Carrageenan so that must be the most abundant in food!
