Monday, February 21, 2011

Observation Day 5 Outside

Observation Site 1
At this site, our class sat by the pond. We sat for a total of 5 minutes in complete silence. From sitting this long in silence, we could hear and see just about everything that crossed our path. Unfortunately, I didn't get any picture from this site, but I got tons of observations. At this site, we saw 8 geese swimming across the pond. We could hear all the commotion of the bus garage. There were horns, the starting of vehicles, and an intercom. There was a light breeze here and the pine needles were poking us as we sat. It was so silent, I could even hear the class writing down these observations. We also saw two buzzards out in the distance, flying high in the sky.

Observation Site 2
The picture below is from our second site. At this site, we saw many little birds. In the trees above we saw a Warbler, pictured below. There was a lot of chirping at this site. There was still a light breeze and we could hear the rustling of the leaves.

Observation Site 2
I got many pictures from this site. The first picture (below) is of moss at the bottom of a tree. At this site, we were way back in the woods. The rustling of leaves was pretty loud and we could no longer hear the horns or buses anymore.

This picture below was on a fallen tree. As you can see, it is a very bright orange, and yes it is fungus. It kinda makes fungus look pretty, and not disgusting, for once! :)

This picture, you can see that the tree is falling apart, but if you could feel it you could have guessed that the tree was starting to decompose. This tree was very soft and flimbzy.

This was the most interesting thing we found on our day outside. Kim Dabney was the lucky winner at finding this little guy. This salamander was hiding under a fallen tree, in the moist dirt. 

Just for the heck of it!
This picture is not from any of the sites nor is it from that day outside, but I took this picture one day after school. I thought it was pretty and should be shared with everyone else, so enjoy! :)


  1. I like your pretty random picture of the clouds and light pole and trees and powerlines:)

  2. I love this picture. It reminds me to never give up on dreams!!!
