Monday, March 28, 2011

Mollusk Discovery!


Common and Scientific Name
Couldnt find the common name / Flabellina rubrolineata

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Opisthobranchia
Family: Flabellina
Genus: rubrolineata
Specific Name: Flabellina rubrolineata

Picture and link to a video:

Video below!

Characteristics of group:
Nudibranchs do not have shells or reduced shells. They breathe through their gills and skin. These gastropods are often toxic and may have stingers. Their bright colors are used as a warning, to other animals, that they are poisonous. Nudibranchs also have a radula; a ribbon like tooth structure. This is used for eating and may even cut through oyster shells.

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